China's water purification technology breakthrough: Shijian Mingche water purifier has entered the era of 15,000L large net volume
日前,Developed by Anhui Shijian Technology Co., LTD., the "rated total net water" reached 15000L household kitchen water purifier came out,It is understood,The household water purification industry previously rated the total net water of mainstream products is generally 4000L to 6000L,Up to 10000L,The Shijian Mingche brand water purifier successfully refreshed the ceiling of the civil water purification industry。 Water purification technology, money is not spent Under the kitchen water purifier in the Chinese market...
Since the implementation of the new water efficiency standard, these changes have taken place in the water purification industry.
  From July 1, 2022, the General Administration of Market Supervision (National Standards Committee) approved the release of GB 34914-2021 "Water Efficiency Limit Value and Water efficiency grade of water Purifier" officially began to be implemented。The new national standard not only brings the water purifier products of nanofiltration technology into the supervision to achieve full coverage of the mainstream water purifier technology, but also puts forward higher requirements for the comprehensive performance of the water purifier in multiple dimensions such as the water efficiency limit value, water saving evaluation value, technical requirements and test methods。 &...
The new version of the water efficiency standard of the water purifier was implemented on July 1, and the high standard of the Shijian Mingche water purifier was implemented
  From July 1, 2022, GB 34914-2021 "Water efficiency limit value and water efficiency grade of water purifier" (hereinafter referred to as the new water efficiency standard of water purifier) will be officially implemented, since the release of the standard on December 1 last year, "new water efficiency standard of water purifier" has become a hot spot in the industry。   According to the requirements of the new water purifier water efficiency grade index, the net aquatic water rate of 45% is the third-level water efficiency, the net aquatic water rate of 55% is the second-level water efficiency, and the net aquatic water rate of 65% is the first-level water efficiency...

Domestic water purification brand, better understand China's water quality needs

There are two theories about the birth of the world's first true water purifier。 At the beginning of the 19th century, the serious water pollution of the Rhine River threatened the lives of surrounding residents, and after many attempts, Paul Eric, a 13-year-old boy in a small village in Bonn, Germany, finally invented a water purifier in 1826。 Another theory claims that Reed Stever (1895-1979), a British water expert, was the first to invent a water purifier。He realized the need for some kind of equipment protection after reading John Snow's study "Cholera is transmitted through contaminated drinking Water....

Water purifier marketing: selling machine?卖水?Or sell services?

In the early stages of human civilization, natural water sources were the main way people obtained drinking water。In ancient times, when people chose to live, they always tended to be near rivers, lakes and other water sources。 The ancient settlements in these places, basically along the river banks, show the importance and dependence of humans on water resources。However, natural water sources often contain a variety of harmful impurities, such as physical pollution (sediment, etc.), biological pollution (pathogens, algae, etc.), chemical pollution (fluorine, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, chromium, manganese, organic matter, etc.), which pose a threat to human health。 ...

Water Purifiers Market Outlook 2024: Resilience Growth under Structural upgrades

Affected by the installation characteristics of water purifiers and their commodity attributes, the epidemic for three consecutive years has caused certain obstacles to the development of the water purifier market。However, with the gradual recovery of the market in 2023, after the end of the epidemic, the installation of water purifiers will no longer be restricted, and unmet demand will be released。 More importantly, people's attention to health has increased after the epidemic, making comfort and health products get more attention。At the same time, factors such as internal flux of water purifiers, net heat integration, intelligent taps and intelligent functions have also promoted the iterative upgrading of the entire market, making the market as a whole in the process of structural upgrading。 ...

Barreled water out, water purifiers up: Have you upgraded your drinking?

In the context of the rapid development of the technology industry, Water pollution is becoming more and more serious.                  Triggering a dramatic increase in demand for clean water worldwide。 According to statistics, 90% of foreign families have listed water purifiers...

National standard fights, who we believe?

On March 15, 2022, the State Administration for Market Regulation and the Standardization Administration issued GB5749-2022 "Sanitary Standards for Drinking Water", which will be implemented on April 1, 2023。 In our in-depth study of this standard, we found an interesting phenomenon: in the standard for the concentration of selenium (Se) in water, the standard is the same as the 2006 version of the GB5749 standard, which is used as a "toxicological indicator", the limit value is set to 0.01mg/L。This shows that the two versions of the standard maintain continuity in the indicators and limits of selenium。 ...